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Secure FREE business support from the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory

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Free business support? Yes, you read that correctly. The incredible team over at the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory are almost ready to close their intake for 2022's grant scheme - but you still have time to register and benefit from academic-led student support to help you tick off that research, data collection and project development you just haven't had time to do or money to invest in.

Spearheaded by Dr. Agnieszka Rydzik, Chair of Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory and Associate Professor/Director of Research, Dept. of Marketing, Languages and Tourism at Lincoln University International Business School, this annual scheme looks to bring more collaboration across the visitor economy via support from academics and students alike.

Whether you need data collecting to help you make sense of seasonality, research undertaking or help on projects to evolve your branding and marketing, the team at the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory can pair you up with the right candidate, whose skills are best suited to your needs.

"The Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory is dedicated to bring academics and students - both undergraduate and postgraduate - together with local businesses to help support their needs," explained Agnieszka. "As well as providing vital, and funded, support to local businesses, this scheme also allows for students to gain invaluable experience in regard to working with 'living' businesses and projects, rather than fictional or projected ones.

"Businesses, we know, have needs but more often than not do not have the time or funds to see these bodies of work come to fruition. That's where the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory can help. We want more businesses to come to us saying, 'we need help'."

From research projects and data to help with branding and marketing - if your business falls into the visitor economy sector we can help you. And it is of no cost.
Dr. Agnieszka Rydzik Chair of Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory and Associate Professor/Director of Research, Dept. of Marketing, Languages and Tourism at Lincoln University International Business School

Since the Tourism Observatory launched 12-months ago, the team has been working with some great businesses such as Lincolnshire Showground, IBCC, and LCFC (Lincoln City Football Club), and collaborating with both local authority as well as with us, on some incredible partnership projects. But Agnieszka's team has the capacity to do even more.

"We want to reach out to businesses to let them know support is here for them," Agnieszka added. "From research projects and data to help with branding and marketing - if your business falls into the visitor economy sector we can help you. And it is of no cost to the businesses in question at this stage.

"For us, collaboration is very much two-sided, so we would love the businesses interested in this year's annual intake to have the scope to get involved in what our students are doing too. To engage with their studies. Whether that is setting them a project, being a guest speaker or hosting field trips. This year's deadline is the end of September, so please get your applications in.

"For us this is all about helping businesses with their needs, and students with their studies. Both group and individual projects are welcomed as well. Anything we can collectively and collaboratively do to address the needs of local communities and businesses is within our remit, so we'd encourage as many people as possible to get in touch."

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Why get involved?

Quite simply, to give yourself and your business a helping hand in times that seem to be throwing up more hurdles. The resources within your reach at the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory are second to none and are free for you to utilise through this year's grant funded scheme.

  • No cost to your business
  • Annual grant scheme, closing September 30th, 2022
  • Students and academics on hand to support you
  • Eager people are ready and waiting to work with you
  • Collaborate with young minds and experienced, skilled researchers
  • Secure the data and research you need to inform your business decisions

The closing date for this year's intake in at the end of September, so to register your interest get in touch with Agnieszka here.

What is the Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory?

The Lincolnshire Tourism Observatory is an initiative within the Lincoln University Department of Tourism, Languages and Marketing. It has been established to provide expertise, produce high-quality research and generate evidence-driven analysis of tourism-related data with the aim of supporting the Lincolnshire visitor economy, informing policy debates and assisting local stakeholders with data-informed decision making.

Our Chief Executive, Charlotte Goy, sits on the steering group alongside 14 Doctors, Professors and academics at Lincoln University and Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director Economic Growth, East Lindsey District Council & Boston Borough Council.


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