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The DMO Review - what you need to know

VL June22 0214

2023 will see a new era of tourism and destination management begin, following the DMO Review announcement detailing a new Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs) structure.

A new accreditation process for DMOs - that's us – through this shift in structure we'll be looking to progress Destination Lincolnshire even further to become an accredited LVEP with Visit England, working more closely with DCMS.

A range of additional support will also be made available to LVEPs, including advice on and opportunities to bid for government funding. Our launch of Destination Lincolnshire itself already strongly aligns us with the new LVEP agenda, which focuses on joined-up strategic thinking, development, and management of the local visitor economy across the public and private sectors.

So, what does that mean?

The national landscape of England’s Visitor Economy is changing. Quickly and dramatically for the greater good, reflecting a significant step forward for the delivery model of destination marketing nationally.


Over the last 18 months we have brought Destination Lincolnshire to life with the help of our pathfinders, stakeholders, and partners. Our evolution mirrored the new national tourism structure being developed by DCMS and Visit England after Covid.

Because of this work Lincolnshire, as part of an East Midlands bid, was shortlisted as one of only two areas for the Destination Development Pilot (DDP) being run in-line with the LVEP structure, valued at c.£2.5m.


Over the next 6 months, the opportunities Greater Lincolnshire will be open to are vast and will underpin our work over the next 4-6 months as we look to become an accredited Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP).

In addition to the benefits that our Partners already get, the LVEP structure will also give visitor economy businesses:

• Access to a strengthened and more targeted business support offer through your local LVEP.

• A clear link and channel of communication for you, and other local business, to VisitEngland/VisitBritain, so you can benefit from national initiatives including:

- Business support, training programs and Excellence Awards.

- Digital, PR, marketing, and travel trade activities.

- Business events support (where appropriate).

- Reduced fragmentation in the local DMO landscape so that you will know which LVEP to work with.

- The confidence of working with a nationally accredited LVEP and the basis for future resilience and stability so that you can invest more confidently.

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For all stakeholders, benefits of the new LVEP structure include:

• Reduced fragmentation in the DMO landscape and the creation of a portfolio of strong sustainable LVEPs, working alongside VisitBritain/VisitEngland (VB/VE) to deliver local and national visitor economy growth priorities.

• A clear opportunity for those organisations who demonstrate a capacity to deliver for their area to be accredited and able to work directly with VB/VE and DCMS.

• Clarity among national and local stakeholders which local organisation can work with and support to drive visitor economy growth.

• A range of additional support for LVEPs, including advice on and opportunities to bid for government funding, training their staff and businesses, developing their commercial strategies and more.

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For local government and LEPs – the new LVEP structure will bring:

• Joined-up strategic thinking, development, and management of the local visitor economy across the public and private sectors, ensuring it directly contributes to creating thriving places and communities.

• Clear strategic line of sight from local to national (Government, VB/VE and other key national bodies) on all visitor economy related issues - giving you the confidence that your LVEP is the delivery partner for the visitor economy.

• Strong and stable partnerships between Local Authorities/Combined Authorities/Mayoral Authorities/Local Enterprise Partnerships and the LVEP to drive forward local priorities and investment.

• Capacity and ability to demonstrate the value of the local visitor economy though a robust evidence base. This will help local government make the case for supporting their LVEP and the local visitor economy.

• Structure and support for smaller DMOs/ Local Tourism teams (not qualifying for LVEP status) to benefit from national initiatives (via the LVEP) while reducing fragmentation and duplication.

*Extracted from Visit England’s December DMO update

Next steps

We are working on the submission of an EOI to show our intent and ambition for the county. We will be in touch in the New Year with a further update and next steps.


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