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E-commerce for Beginners - discover series two of The Retail Champion on Teachable


We've been out and about talking to you all about our project in collaboration with The Retail Champion - Clare Bailey - along with West Lindsey, East Lindsey, and Boston Borough District Councils, to deliver free business support to visitor economy businesses across the county.

Registrations are still open to take part in this free, funded business support working with Claire and her team, all you need to do is fill out a quick form.

Alongside Clare's 1-2-1 support through the programme, we are also offering all partners the chance to tap into Clare's expertise via multiple series of online webinars on Teachable.

Following on from The 10-steps to Retail Success Series, we're looking at E-commerce for Beginners. In this webinar series, Clare Bailey discusses best practices for e-commerce and how you can use online sales methods to improve your business.

E-Commerce for Beginners Series

Selling Online - Parts 1 and 2:

Part 1 - Tools and methods of selling online | Within this webinar Clare looks at what each type of tool can offer you, and dives into their pros and cons, as well as discussing the other technical considerations you may need to address, such as who will manage your data and how will you deal with stock levels and reporting?

Part 2 - Operational considerations to keep customers happy when selling online | In part 2 Clare addresses customer expectations, from how you receive an order to delivery and handling complaints and returns, as well as deciding which products to sell online.

A Beginner's Guide to EPOS and E-Commerce:

Covered in this webinar is the idea of being omnichannel. Clare talks about what EPOS and e-commerce are and why all businesses should utilise the technology to be more effective and efficient, how to start on the best foot with technology suppliers and the benefit that lies in external support.

A Beginner's Guide to Click and Collect:

In the final episode of this series, Clare looks at click and collect. how it has become intrinsic to our experience as a shopper since covid and how it has now become expected post-pandemic. She discusses further how you can introduce click-and-collect if you're yet to venture into its realms, and how to make it an efficient process.


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