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Be a part of the Autumn/Winter Visit Lincoln City & Countryside Guide 2023

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The City & Countryside Visitor Guide is Visit Lincoln's most popular publication. The team has some exciting opportunities for you to get involved and showcase your business with an advert in the guide this year.

Concentrating on the Autumn/Winter season, with a focus on Christmas across Lincolnshire - which we all know will look very different and exciting for 2023 - the guide targets visitors planning a day trip to the city as our lush landscapes turn from vibrant green to rusty orange and, eventually, snow-dusted as the winter dawns.

This Guide is the official publication for all that happens across Lincoln and the surrounding area over the festive season. It’s a must-have reference for visitors and residents in the run-up to Christmas and shares information about and will include the following and more:

  • Halloween and October Half-term
  • Bonfire Night
  • Festive Events
  • Light Trails & Family Festivities
  • Christmas Shopping
  • Travel & Parking
  • Maps & Information
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Published bi-annually - with a fresh new look that launched in our Spring/Summer guide this year - it has the greatest print run and the widest reach across the country. With discounted rates for Destination Lincolnshire Partners, you benefit from good value advertising opportunities, and can also request copies of the guide to display within your business.

Prices from:

  • Quarter page: £175 + VAT
  • Half Page: £300 +VAT
  • Full Page: £500 +VAT
  • Inside Back Page: £750 +VAT
  • Back Cover: £1,000 +VAT

The booking deadline of August 18th, get ahead of the pack and book your space online today.

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We'll print a minimum of 20,000 copies of this A5 Guide, which will be distributed via:

  • Visitor and Tourist Information Centre's, including Lincoln Visitor Information Centre
  • Key attractions and venues across Lincoln and the wider region
  • Key travel sites and Hubs across the city
  • Lincoln hotels, guest houses and accommodation providers
  • The guide will also be optimised for digital use, through the Visit Lincoln website, social media channels and newsletter

Booking deadline: August 18th

Not sure what you're in for? Read the Spring/Summer 2023 Visit Lincoln City & Countryside Guide here.


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